Our Services

Destination and Travel Services for businesses around the world.

Flexible corporate housing solutions for all types of travel. We’re more than just a furnished apartment agency. We offer accommodation solutions in any location or destination.

Relocation & Mobility

Travel Management

Direct Corporate

Destination Services

Landlord services

Serviced Apartments

Relocation & Mobility

Moving to a different country and finding housing can be one of the most stressful and emotional aspects of the relocation process. Destination Nation has the expertise, knowledge, and a team of experienced professionals on hand to support our clients and their assignees every step of the way.

Our services include:

Travel Management

At Destination Nation, we are focused on meeting the requirements of your current and evolving travel programmes. You can treat our team as an extension of yours; we offer unparalleled support to your travel teams, with apartment options from just 1 night.

Direct Corporate

Destination Nation works with corporate clients to ensure their full travel management needs and relocation requirements are managed professionally. We offer a cost-effective, sustainable alternative to hotel stays.

Our service includes:

We work with the following industry sectors:

Destination Services

We know London and the UK like the back of our hands. With over 25 years’ experience in property rentals, sales, and short-term accommodation, we have a passion for property and know our cities.

We’re here to help our clients’ employees manage the transition to a new UK destination with as little stress as possible.

We will support them from the initial search—providing local knowledge to help make key decisions—through ensuring they have all the important information required for the move.

A dedicated Destination Nation relocation manager will be appointed to help every step of the way.